William Arthur Upham

In 1881, William Arthur Upham, of London (Atlas Assurance Company, Fire Dept., 92 Cheapside), also wrote, saying he was born in Taunton;, in 1834 ; his father — then deceased — had been the town clerk at Taunton. He too was apparently quite interested in the origin of the family, and expressed a purpose to give the matter his attention, but nothing more has come from him.

In all probability the family has been located within twenty or thirty miles of Bath, for many generations. Edward Upham, bookseller, fellow of the Oriental Society, etc., was mayor of Bath, sometime about 1807; his obituary was in the Gentleman s Magazine about 1836. See, also, iVllibone’s Diet, of Authors. He was author of several works, an important one of which was his “Sacred Book of Ceylon,” in three octavo volumes. His brother was also a bookseller at Bristol.

These notes are all given, not that they have a special value in themselves, but it is believed they might lead to something should a determined search at some time be entered upon, with a view to establishing the origin of the family and name in England.

It may be well to also call attention to the work of John O’Hart: ” The Irish Landed Gentry, when Cromwell came to Ireland.” In this he gives the name as of Irish origin, and says on page i8o: ” This sirname ” — Upham — ” is an anglicised form of the ancient Irish Uppain; a family descended from Ir, one of the sons of Milesius of Spain, a quo the Milesian Irish Nation.”‘ But the only proof he offers is a reference to the locality in Ireland where the name appears — and which has been already mentioned here and to the fact that a family of the name were living at Dublin, All his references go to show the English, and not the Irish origin, and are largely those already given in the foregoing; it is therefore concluded that such a theory is not tenable. The family mentioned as living in Dublin, as has been since learned, are obscure fishermen, with no knowledge of their ancestry, and are quite as likely to have been of English, as of Irish origin; though how the name got into Ireland is a matter for interesting speculation.